What is AGWỤ Part 2

Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụmụnne m ehihie ọma nụ oooo.. Taata bụ ahịa Eke.. Anyị wee na asị ka eke ketara anyị ndụ, akụ n'ụba ná ahụ isi ike ooo... Iseeeeeeeee oooo Today's Lecture - AGWỤ Part 2 Iji wee bido ebe anyị kwụsịrị na ihe nkụzi nke gara aga... Anyị ga emetụta aka na okwu akpụ na ọnụ nke mbụ wee gbadata na nke abụọ..... We Discussed earlier on our previous Lecture that Agwu are ambivalent in their character. They reveal the secrets of the invisible and visible world to traditional medicine men called dibia, in the mystical code of divination called afa and are also responsible for mental illness. Nevertheless, Agwu can be understood as a forgotten spirit of mediation between God and man who then struggles for recognition, by inflicting a person with calamities so that it would be appeased... Moreover, worship or sacrifice is one of the elements of religion found in any religion and this is applicable to Agwu. In the central sub...