Agbọghọ Mmụọ(Maiden Spirit Mask)

Abalị ọma nụ ụmụnne m
Taata bụ ahịa Orie ná ịme ọnwa Ilo Mmụọ ná ịgụ alo nke ndị igbo.

Agbogho Mmuo are maiden spirit masks that represent the spirit of dead girls that have manifested in the dancer to come back to parade in their communities. The masks also symbolise the ideals of female beauty among many in some Igbo communities. Their extremely white faces symbolise that they are spirits.
Agbọghọ Mmụọ(Maiden Spirit Mask)1

Every Igbo town differs in terms of its range of festivals and types of masks, and oftentimes the spiritual and stylistic forms intermingle between regions,
making it difficult to trace this mask to one particular location.

However, masking traditions throughout the various Igbo regions share underlying themes
and similar spirits, and so the purpose of this maiden spirit mask can be at least somewhat clarified. Of the two most important mask types among the Igbo are--
1) Those idealizing the qualities of young women, and
2) Those representing the powers of men; the maiden mask embodies the former.
When the mask is worn, always by a man, the maiden spirit a dancer personifies represents the ideals of youthful feminine grace and beauty, albeit exaggerated both in
the masks and the performance of them.

Igbo models of beauty are based on both physical and moral dimensions. Physically a girl should be tall and slender, with a long neck, full and pointed
breasts, light/ebony complexion and small features, her hair elaborately dressed (preferably in the crested style) and her features brought out by facial tattoos.

These observable qualities mirror the spiritual traits desired by Igbo males - purity, as defined by the paleness of her complexion, grace in the form of
her facial features and the manner in which the spirit is danced, obedience, good character, and generosity. In addition, the crested hairstyle, which is
often considered a sign of wealth or royalty, is a symbol of the young Igbo maiden as the source of bride-wealth for her family upon her marriage.
Such physical and moral ideals are often not matched in reality, and are not necessarily meant to the maiden spirits are transcendent, a connection between
Igbo desires of beauty and the spiritual awesomeness of the incarnate dead.

Maiden Spirits mask(Agbọghọ Mmụọ) artists favored red, orange, yellow, and black pigments to highlight their carvings, along with other colors, and these can be seen on the
entirety of the mask. As in a number of the more elaborate masks, which can have anywhere from one to three hair crests, this maiden has three crests
dramatically pairing positive and negative space.

Agbọghọ Mmụọ(Maiden Spirit Mask)   
Maiden spirits masks(Agbọghọ Mmụọ) are used mostly during agricultural festivals (usually the dry season) and the second funerals of prominent society members. On latter
occasions maiden spirits are invoked alongside other spirits as appropriate escorts of the highly respected dead into the spirit world. During agricultural
or other ceremonies, however, maiden spirits appear to aid in watching over the living and to promote abundant harvests, fertility, and general
Maiden spirits are light-hearted in contrast to more menacing spirits of the Igbo world, which often generate a more serious atmosphere.
Maiden spirits maskers perform almost theatrically, as if in a play, their purpose to entertain both human and spirit audiences.

The long, thin nose, small mouth, exaggerated hairstyle, and painted or raised patterns of an Igbo maiden spirit mask portrays an ideal of youthful feminine beauty, a concept that is both physical and moral.

Worn by men in colorful, elaborately appliquéd bodysuits, maiden spirit masks appear in groups at annual Fame of Maidens festivals, funerals of respected elders, and, more recently, cultural events that celebrate modern Igbo identity.

Their presence entertains the community, honors the deceased, and reiterates traditional values. Typically, maiden spirit masks are painted white before a performance, as that color is associated with spiritual purity.

Ekene kwaa mụ unu ooo



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