
Oke Ite Awele

 OKE ITE AWELE AND THE SIDES EFFECTS Oke Ite is a concotion of different types of Animals, herbs, human parts gathered in a mud pot, tied with white cloth boiling to perform a booming functions.  (You choose a life of Nkwụ elu than Ńgwọ) Oke ite has been the easiest way for our youths to get quick wealth without knowing the consequences.  Oke ite bụ Ajoo Ọgwụ It can short your life, make you blind, impotent and take the life of your loved ones too. All you need to do is very simple, Settle all the Spirits that needs to be Settled. (Onye Uwa gị, Agwụ, Ndị mmiri, Ndị Iche)  Those Spirits I mentioned are against Oke ite. NOTE: If you're Nwa Mmiri, don't ever think of doing Oke Ite because your pot of wealth is in the water. And it won't work or last on you. Nwa Mmiri adịghị agwọ ọgwụ... Mmiri na aso ọgwụ. Native doctor that prepares oke ite, will never tell you to be in good terms with your Spirits guides because he knows, mentioning those Spirits to support the Oke ite will p


Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụmụnne m ụtụtụ ọma nụ ooo Taata bụ Ahịa Nkwo.. Ekpere anyị wee bụrụ ka Nkwo kọtara anyị ihe ọma Our Lecture Topic today is.. THE CORRUPTION OF IGBO SACRED SCIENCE PART 2 This brought chaos in Igboland and adjacent areas was very violent and chaotic in the 18th century as the result of the Atlantic slave trade. Some oracles in Igboland such as Ibini Ukpabi unfortunately became commercialized. Although many agents and priests of the oracle continued to do honest and fair work, others used the opportunity to sell innocent people as slaves. The Slave trade also introduced the outrageous Osu caste system in Igboland. Initially, Osus were very sacred and respected assistants to high priests. However, as a result of the slave trade, wars in Igboland increased and many people (including runaway slaves) sought refuge in shrines and become an Osu. In some cases, criminals also decided to be an Osu rather than becoming enslaved. Suddenly, be


Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụmụnne m ụtụtụ ọma nụ ooo Taata bụ Ahịa Eke na ala Igbo gbara gburugburu.. Eke ga Eketara anyị niile ihe ọma Ndị Ahịa Eke Awka-etiti Eke Nnukwu Awka Eke Uke Eke Awgbu Abatete Eke Nkpọrọgwụ Eke Amichi Eke Ekwulobia Eke Aguleri Eke Umunnachi Eke Ọsụ Eke Osumenyi Eke Eziowelle Nwa Eke Nkwelle Eke Ụmụọjị Eke ihembosi Eke Enugwu agidi Eke Adazi-nnukwu Na ndị ọzọ.. Anyị wee na asị Ahịa ọma nụ Ahịa nụ oooo ihe akpobara na ahịa ka oleh ooo ndị na ego ego ga egotacha oo iseeeeeeeeeeee 🙏 Our lecture today is :THE CORRUPTION OF IGBO SACRED SCIENCES Many people think that modern day Igbo sacred sciences (Odinani) is a good overall representation of the very ancient metaphysical systems. They are very incorrect. In fact, the decline of the divine Kingdom of Nri and the rise of the European controlled Atlantic slave trade corrupted Igbo civilization. British colonialism and the Nigerian Civil War practically dest


Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People LECTURE - 1 Topic - The Igbo Traditional Way of Worship. We, the Igbos, are known all over the world as a people who are ardent in matters of our traditional religion and worship. To shed more light on what Igbo traditional religion and worship entails. The worship in Igbo culture and tradition are of three (3) levels which are; Chukwu/Chiokike, Ndiichie, and Arusi. CHUKWU/CHINEKE: We, Igbos, believe that Chukwu is greater than all spirits and beings both visible and invisible to the physical eyes. The various names we have given Chukwu reflect the level of faith and confidence we repose in Him. For instance; Chukwu which is a shortened form of “Chi Ukwu” implies “Great Being.” While, Chiokike means “The Being that creates.” We don’t believe anyone can accurately describe Chukwu or make his perfect image that is why in all of Igboland, there is no shrine where an image of Chukwu is carved or painted. In fact, in Igbo


Ọdịnanị : The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People U hụrụ chi ọma nụ Ụmụnne m ndị ikom na Iyom, ntorobịa na agbọghọbịa na ụmụntakịrị ndị m hụrụ n'anya.. Ihe Ọmụmụ anyị Taata wee bụrụ : ỌJỊ UGO ( gịnị bụ ọjị ugo/ọjịugo) A bịa na ala Igbo, Mba dị iche iche na asụ na ọlụ na ọlụ.. Towns have their own dialect, and words which means two or three different things but same pronunciations in Igboland.. We have ọjịugo as a name and also have ọjị ugo in kolanut.. In this teaching we will break them all down as we learn.. 1, ỌJỊUGO as Child given Name : The significance of childbirth to Igbos is reflected in the kind of names Igbos gives to their newborns. For example: Ọjịugo Means " Beauty, Ugo actually means the eagle bird. To the Igbo, the eagle bird symbolizes beauty, fortune and outstanding among all..  Nwakaego means “Having a child is greater than having money,” Ginikanwa means “What is great than a child?” Nwaamaka means ”Childbirth is beautiful”, Nwab

Na ụbọchị taa anyị ga akọ akụkọ ifo banyere Ihe Agụụ Na-Ebute... Ije Ụtarịa Na Mbe

Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People. Ụmụnne m uhụrụ chi ọma nụ oooo..Ama m na taata bụ ahịa Orie wetara anyị ihe ọma? Na ụbọchị taa anyị ga akọ akụkọ ifo banyere Ihe Agụụ Na-Ebute... Ije Ụtarịa Na Mbe Ifo dee!!!!!! i dee!!!!!!!!!!!! O nwere otu ụbọchị!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otu ụbọchị wee ruo!!!!!!!!!!! Nkịta nyara akpa? nsị agwụ n’ọhịa!!!!!! Akụkọ a mere n’oge nnukwu ụganị na ụnwụ dara n’obodo ụmụ anụmanụ. Agụụ mee gị ihe o mere Mbe, i gaghị ata ya ụta n’ije aghụghọ màọbụ arụrụala ọbụla o jere. Agụụ kwekatara egwu n’afọ Mbe, ọ gwa nwunye ya na ya ga-apụ njem. Njem a ọ ga-eje bụ maka ịchọ ihe oriri. O kwuru na ọ ka mma na ọ nwụrụ n’ụzọ, karịa ịnọ n’ụlọ nwụọ n’agụụ, ndị nna ya ochie agaghị anabata ya ma ọ nwụọ ụdị ọnwụ ahụ. Nwunye ya bu Anịm kwuru na ọ ga-eso ya. Ha abụọ were kwopu ije. Ka ha gara ije a ihe dịka ụbọchị abụọ na-ahụghị ihe ọbụla, nwunye Mbe fere n’isi na ọ ga-alaghachi azụ, ọ kaara ya mma ịnwụ n’ụlọ karịa ịnwụ n’ọhịa. Naanị Mbe were gàba

Ihe Ọmụmụ Nke Abụọ - Akwa Ọkụkọ Igbo 🥚 (igbo egg) Lesson 2 continuation...

Ọdịnanị - The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ọdịnanị - The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụtụtụ ọma nụ Ụmụnne m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taata bụ Ahịa Nkwo ga akwotara anyị ngọzi, ihe akụakụ, na ihe nriju afọ oooo.. Iseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Ihe Ọmụmụ Nke Abụọ - Akwa Ọkụkọ Igbo 🥚 (igbo egg) Lesson 2 continuation... (iii) It could be used in cleansing abomination from somebody who jumped into a grave, whether fully dug or being dug. The person is said to have chosen death. It looks funny but some people do jump into the grave being dug in their course of demonstrating the bitterness such death had evoked in them. In such cases, the traditional priest sets them free from death by encircling their legs with egg and other items. The egg and other items are thrown into the grave with the trunk of a plantain and buried before a new grave is dug. Another way of cleansing abomination is to roll the egg over the eyes of somebody that saw an abominable ep

Ihe Ọmụmụ anyị Taata wee bụrụ - ÁKWÀ IGBO 🥚 (IGBO EGG)

Ọdịnanị - The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụtụtụ ọma nụ Ụmụnne m Taata bụ Ahịa Orie Ihe Ọmụmụ anyị Taata wee bụrụ - ÁKWÀ IGBO 🥚 (IGBO EGG) Egg: The egg is the first stage of the life of the Igbo Fowl. The egg is known for purity and peace. That is why it is used in various sacrifices. It also has some cleansing power over devilish control. All these are why it is used in performing one Igbo traditional ceremony or the other. The uses include the following: (i) The Igbo egg is used in cleansing the body of a sick person with a view to neutralizing the effect of the sickness spiritually. In this case, it is rolled all over the body of the sick person. In most cases, it is done with some incantations in which the person administering the cleansing prays for recovery of the sick person. He would also pray for his own health and must not fail to state that he would not take over the sickness. In some cases the egg is used in encircling four times on the

What is AGWỤ Part 2

Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Ụmụnne m ehihie ọma nụ oooo.. Taata bụ ahịa Eke.. Anyị wee na asị ka eke ketara anyị ndụ, akụ n'ụba ná ahụ isi ike ooo... Iseeeeeeeee oooo Today's Lecture - AGWỤ Part 2 Iji wee bido ebe anyị kwụsịrị na ihe nkụzi nke gara aga... Anyị ga emetụta aka na okwu akpụ na ọnụ nke mbụ wee gbadata na nke abụọ..... We Discussed earlier on our previous Lecture that Agwu are ambivalent in their character. They reveal the secrets of the invisible and visible world to traditional medicine men called dibia, in the mystical code of divination called afa and are also responsible for mental illness. Nevertheless, Agwu can be understood as a forgotten spirit of mediation between God and man who then struggles for recognition, by inflicting a person with calamities so that it would be appeased... Moreover, worship or sacrifice is one of the elements of religion found in any religion and this is applicable to Agwu. In the central sub

What is "AGWU" Part 1

Ọdịnanị :The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People Abalị ọma nụ ụmụnne m Our topic today is coming from our inbox request.. Some of our brothers here Akuziera about this very topic but i will like to adjust it and add more clarity on it. So Tonight we are going to talk about "AGWU" Part 1 1. What is Agwu?   2. What is Ịru Agwu? 3. What are steps to Iru Agwụ? 4. Is Ritual Involved? 5. Can a person do it by himself or must it be a Dibia that will do it? AGWỤ:-   In traditional Igbo anyị kwenyere in the existence of Agwu. Agwu is believed to be a type of spirit that manifests itself in an individual who is possessed. There are Certain characters, abnormalities and some behaviors that take place in the life of a person which attributed to Agwu. For instance, one who is fond of not knowing how he or she uses his or her money or one who gets brain-fag without any observable cause, are attributed to Agwu. When such a thing is noticed constantly in one’s behavior

NKELE EGEDE : In Praise of the First Ones

NKELE EGEDE : (Igbo Translation) Lekwe anyanwu biara uwa, Ihe ebi-ebi ka o Jiri choo ya mma. Mmadu Jizi maka nke-a hu ya na-anya. Aja-Ala, Nne mbu buru anyi n’afo izizi, Anyi echeta gi. Igwe na mmiri, Ndi mbu lere anyi omugwo, Ndi mbu biara abia na ogodo uwa. Anyi echeta unu. Ikuku na Okpoko, ndi mbu fere efe, Ndi obu-akika-na-enwu-oku n’isi, Ndi mbu lara agu n’asaa na mmiri n’asaa, Were nu nke ru-ru unu. Debe nu Chim na Chi uwam. Uwam biara, lekwem. IN PRAISE OF THE FIRST ONES (English Translation) Now behold the Magnificent Sun, The One who came forth and blessed the world with eternal light. Oh—how endless our adoration. Behold too, the motherly Earth, From whose primal womb we’ve all emerged and continue to emerge, How endless our appreciation. Behold now, the very ancient Sky and primal Waters. The most graceful ones who first suckled and guided us, The manifest ones who first embraced the visible world. How endless our adoration. Behold the sa


Ọdịnanị : The Sacred Art And science Of Igbo People I noticed that some of us are still confuse and don't know what ANI/ALA is in Igboland.. Here i will talk about it.. ANI THE MOTHER OF THE IGBOS: Ani is the Igbo Fertility Goddess of the earth. The Igbo people of South East/SS call her the mother of all things, but she is both the fertile earth and the empty field after the harvest. She is present at the beginning of the cycle of life, making children grow in their mother’s womb, and she is there at the end of the cycle, to receive the souls of the dead into her own womb. Ani/Ala also gives laws to the people, emphasizing the importance of honesty and respect. Temples to Ani called mbari are built in the center of villages, and contain a mud statue of Ani which is then painted in bright colors.{visit Umuleri and Aguleri still present there} These statues usually show Ani with a long torso and long thick neck, which are considered to be signs of beauty among the I