Ihe Ọmụmụ anyị Taata wee bụrụ - ÁKWÀ IGBO 🥚 (IGBO EGG)

Ọdịnanị - The Sacred Arts and Science of the Igbo People

Ụtụtụ ọma nụ Ụmụnne m
Taata bụ Ahịa Orie

Ihe Ọmụmụ anyị Taata wee bụrụ - ÁKWÀ IGBO 🥚 (IGBO EGG)

Egg: The egg is the first stage of the life of the Igbo Fowl. The egg
is known for purity and peace. That is why it is used in various sacrifices. It
also has some cleansing power over devilish control. All these are why it is
used in performing one Igbo traditional ceremony or the other. The uses
include the following:
(i) The Igbo egg is used in cleansing the body of a sick person with a
view to neutralizing the effect of the sickness spiritually.
In this case,
it is rolled all over the body of the sick person.
In most cases, it is
done with some incantations in which the person administering the
cleansing prays for recovery of the sick person.
He would also pray
for his own health and must not fail to state that he would not take
over the sickness.
In some cases the egg is used in encircling four
times on the head of the sick person.
The four times signify the Igbo four market days on which the sick person is hoped to be healthy as
the sickness will fizzle away in faeces and urine.
The egg so used
could be placed on the road or thrown down on the road to break.
The person that carried out this sacrifice may be charged with not
looking backwards as well as not talking to anybody until he or she
reaches home.

(ii) Another thing the Igbo egg does is alleviating anger.

somebody is known to have missed a certain thing in life, his heart is
expected to be full of anger. Such person’s heart is cleansed of such
anger so that in his reincarnation, he would not suffer the same ill
fate. The ill fate might be childlessness (especially, male issues),
peasantry, long-time ill health, premature death, positions etc. The
egg might be thrown down on the grave of the unfortunate person to
break away as it is done in Amansea, Awka North Local Government
Area of Anambra Nigeria. Or the egg could be placed on the chest of
the person before the coffin is covered as is the case in Uzo Uwani
Local Government Area of Enugu State Nigeria.

The alleviation of anger can pertain to deities. The deities that
are destroyed in religious riots are normally angry.
Their anger is
alleviated by rolling the Igbo egg over their shrines. This is done in
the course of normalizing the relationship of such deities with the
people that worship them.

Wait for Lesson 2...




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